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The university open days

Show “Where are you looking at and what you see – eye-tracking system” The remote eye-tracker Tobii TX300 and head-mounted SMI Glasses 2.0 were presented during the show. Participants have also possibility to check their visual attention using the awareness test.

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Eye tracking labs

Institute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, has obtained new equipment. Two modern eye trackers: SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 and remote Tobii TX300 were purchased by Institute within the project called Central Laboratory of Implementation in LUT (Centralne Laboratorium Wdrozen Politechniki Lubelskiej), co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund […]

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(Polski) Wykład Asseco Business Solutions S.A. pt. Porównanie GUI na platformach mobilnych.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Zapraszamy na wykład firmy Asseco Business Solutions S.A. pt. “Porównanie GUI na platformach mobilnych. Wszystko o czym trzeba pamiętać projektując interfejs aplikacji na różnych platformach (iOS, Android, Windows 8)”. Wykład wygłosi Pan Konrad Mizak – szef działu UX, wspólnie z Jakubem Budzyńskim, w dniu 22 stycznia 2014 […]

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Lecture from E-STUDIO Software

We would like to invite students and faculty for a lecture from E-STUDIO Software, which will be hold on Monday, 20th January at 12:15 in classroom E401. Lecturers will be presenting about static code analysis in PHP, unit tests (PHPUnit) and about continous integration.

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SoftSystem invites all students for a practical object-oriented programming course

The SoftSystem company is willing to invite all Lublin University of Technology’s students for a series of free lectures about software engineering. Lectures will be lead in a form of practical demonstrations. Between regularry attending persons there will be a chance to win book prizes. Lectures will be about good practices in OOP, about ASP.NET […]

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Lecture from Britenet: Building cloud applications using Salesforce technology

Lecture subject: Building cloud applications using Salesforce technology When:  14th January 2014, at 14:15-16:00 Place: Room E201 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science building Lecturer: Michał Zieńkowski Main topics: What is the cloud? Cloud technologies pros and cons How to create an application with Salesforce technology Application examples

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The third project AUKEE meeting in Alicante

The third meeting of the project “GUI usability and accessibility: exchanging knowledge and experiences” was held from 21st to 23rd October 2013 in Alicante, Spain. Representatives of all partners participated in the meeting. University of Alicante was the host for this meeting. During the first day of meeting partners presented all already created materials. The […]

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Lecture from Kamil Kicka of E-STUDIO

We would like to invite students and faculty for a lecture “Practical aspects of software engineering” presented by mr. Kamil Kicka, Director of Software Development Division in E-STUDIO software. Lecture will be held on Wednesday, 11th December 2013 at 14:15-16:00 in room E201 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science building.

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(Polski) Tematy prac dyplomowych powiązane z praktykami

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Studenci II stopnia kierunku informatyka mają możliwość zapisywania się na tematy prac dyplomowych powiązanych z praktykami. Zapisy możliwe są do dnia 13 grudnia 2013. Po tym terminie odbędzie się rekrutacja w firmach. Dopiero po jej po pozytywnym zakończeniu, temat jest przypisywany do Dyplomanta. Dopiero wtedy można zapisać […]

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Science-education-experience conference

The Science-Education-Experience Conference was held in Kazimierz on the Vistula from 20th to 21rst of May 2013. The conference concluded the series of consultations about the required competences of the graduates of the first degree computer science study. The conference was attended by both the representatives of the IT companies in Lublin region and the […]

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