Seminars series are held as a part of the project Graduate of our time. They were organized for M.Sc. students.
Recent international seminars was held: 13-15 June 2012 and 24-26 May 2012 by professors from Spain, Russia and Italy.
13-15 June 2012 by professors from University of Alicante (Spain). Prof. Sergio Luján Mora conducted a course in the subject of Web Accessibility, Prof. Cristina Cachero Castro in the subject of Software Applications Usability.
24-26 May 2012 by professors from Russia and Italy. Prof. Igor Anikin from Kazan National Research Technical University counducted a course: Information Security in Computer Networks, Prof. Alexander Sychev from Voronezh State University presented a course: Information Retrieval: Models, Algorithms and Applications.
Prof. Marco Brambilla and Alessandro Bozzon from Politecnico di Milano conducted a course: Software Engineering methods, languages and development process.
Read more at the project site.