Lectures from Simple SA

b9f917f1b6798d17d55bcb713dc41963Enjoy a free series of lectures for students and graduates organized by Simple. The first lecture: “Enterprise Information Systems architecture and technology stack.”

 The lecture will be held on April 11th, 14.15-15.45, r. S6, Institute of Computer Science.

The schedule:

  • Model Domain Driven Design inside Ports&Adapters architecture
  • Presentation of the company profile, career paths, used technologies, methodologies, tools
  • Inversion of Control and Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Object-Relational Mapping
  • Design patterns and anipatterns; refactoring – infinite excellence process
  • Test Driven Design – test-driven programming and Clean Code
  • A stack of useful technologies – Guava, Lombok, Maven, Git …

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