Kick-off Meeting

On 11th of January 2023, an online meeting was organized as a part of the project “ETMO- Education and training in 3D motion analysis”, during which the details of the study visit in the University of South-Eastern Norway on April 24-27 2023 were specified. Five scientists from the Lublin University of Technology, representatives of the university authorities and staff dealing with 3D motion analysis participated: Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Development Professor Dariusz Czerwiński, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs for the direction of computer science dr Edyta Łukasik, dr Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska, dr Paweł Powroźnik and dr. Jakub Smołka. Professor Olaf Hallan Graven and university lecturer Joakim Bjørk represented the University of South-Eastern Norway.

During the meeting, a group of scientists from the Lublin University of Technology presented a motion capture research stand consisting of an eight-camera optical motion capture Vicon system, scientific research related to three-dimensional motion capture and eye tracking registration, as well as the use of these systems in the process of educating students in the field of Computer Science. Conducted scientific research and research with students for the bachelor and master theses  were described.

The participants of the meeting discussed in detail the four days of the planned study visit, during which representatives of the Lublin University of Technology will be familiarized with the education system at the host university, and will exchange experiences in the preparation of the program and the education process. The scope of materials to be prepared by scientists representing the University of South-Eastern Norway was also defined, concerning: good practices applied in the teaching process, teaching infrastructure, staff, quality of education, cooperation with the labor market, employee mobility and culture in the education sector.

The kick-off meeting allowed scientists from two research units to get to know each other, as well as to prepare a study visit plan.