On 27th of October 2014 a motion capture lab was setup at the Institute of Computer Science. Is is a part of the 3D Motion Computer Analysis Lab. The lab is located on the fifth floor of the Center for Innovation and Advanced Technology. It’s equipment includes: motion capture system by Vicon, AMTI – multi-axis force plates and a 16-channel wireless EMG myon system used for electrical muscle activity registration. The equipment was installed on October 27th. In the following days – on October 28th and 29th a training was held at the new lab. Its purpose was to demonstrate to the Institute’s faculty the principle of operation of the equipment. The essential part of the training conducted by Ms. Sarah Ward from Vicon. It’s focus was mainly working with the Nexus 2.0 software – the main tool for recording and editing motion data. Part of training was devoted to Polygon 4.1 software. It is integrated with Nexus and allows for the analysis of the recorded data recorded and computed motion parameters. The training, also addressed the basics of the BodyBuilder software that allows one to create their own models of objects whose motion is being registered. A special language – BodyLanguage – is used for this purpose. Mr. Björn Schmitt from myon conducted a part of the training that concerned the use of the EMG system, the proEMG software and how it can be used together with the Vicon system. The proEMG Software offers a range of options for recording and data filtering.