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(Polski) Zapraszamy na warsztaty z GitHuba i gita

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Koło naukowe Systemów Operacyjnych i Programowania oraz Grupa .Net Politechniki Lubelskiej zapraszają na warsztaty z gita oraz GitHuba, które odbędą się w poniedziałek, 21 października 2019, o godzinie 18:00 w sali S102. Na warsztatach będzie poruszone wprowadzenie do systemu kontroli wersji git oraz do systemu GitHub, w […]

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Conference on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan “New Uzbekistan: Unique Cultural Initiatives”

On September 24, 2019, a conference was held in Warsaw on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan “New Uzbekistan: Unique Cultural Initiatives”. At the invitation of the organizers, Dr. Marek Milosz took part in it. Dr. Marek Milosz presented the results of the work of the Institute of Computer Science […]

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IT talk: Golang Course

We invite you to the Golang course organized in early October (October 2 and October 5, 2019) by GDG Lublin, WTM Lublin and DataArt. Golang is a relatively new open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable and effective software. The course includes the basics that will allow participants to understand […]

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Finissage of the exhibition “Silk Road 3D – Uzbekistan”

Finissage of the photography and multimedia exhibition entitled “Silk Road 3D – Uzbekistan” held on 16th of September in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin was an ending point of presentation of the works of Institute of Computer Science of the Lublin University of Technology. They during May and June 2017 were […]

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(Polski) Jedwabny szlak 3D – Uzbekistan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. W Centrum Spotkania Kultur w Lublinie, pierwsze piętro, Ciche Kąty prezentowana jest wystawa fotograficzna i multimedialną pt.: „Jedwabny szlak 3D – Uzbekistan” w ramach XVI Lubelskiego Festiwalu Nauki.  Wystawa poświęcona jest efektom działalności pracowników Instytutu Informatyki, którzy na przełomie maja i czerwca 2017 roku wzięli udział w rozpoznawczej […]

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International Conference „Preservation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Strategies”

On the August 26th, 2019 roku in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) in the Palace of Forums there was held the International Conference „Preservation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Strategies”. The conference was one of the events in the Cultural Heritage Week (22-27 August 2019). The conference was organized by UNESCO under patronage of the […]

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(Polski) Zapraszamy na wykład “Bazy danych jako warstwa trwałości w rzeczywistych aplikacjach”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Zapraszamy na wykład “Bazy danych jako warstwa trwałości w rzeczywistych aplikacjach”, prowadzony przez pana Andrzeja Sternala, Dyrektora Działu Produkcji WebChili sp. z o.o. Wykład odbędzie się 04.06.2019 r. o godz. 14:15 w sali E201, a jego tematyka obejmować będzie warstwy abstrakcji dla różnych DBMS, mapowanie relacyjno-obiektowe […]

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3rd Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia. Part 3 – Samarkand, Uzbekistan. May 20-25, 2019

The third stage of the 3rd Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia was the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Employees of the Institute of Computer Science – participants of the expedition, in the persons of prof. Jerzy Montusiewicz, dr inż. Marek Miłosz and dr inż. Jacek Kęsik, scanned stalactites – […]

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2nd International Conference “Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Management” (IT-CHM’2019)”

Institute of Computer Science together with the Partners organized and successfully conducted the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Management (IT-CHM’2019), which took place on May 22, 2019 in the 15th century Ulre Bek medrese, in the Registan Museum Complex in the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan ( Co-organizers of the conference […]

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3rd Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia. Part 2 – Tashkent, Uzbekistan. May 17-20, 2019

The second stage of the 3rd Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia was Tashkent – the capital of Uzbekistan. Employees of the Institute of Computer Science – participants of the expedition, in the persons of Prof. Jerzy Montusiewicz, Dr. Marek Miłosz, and Dr. Jacek Kęsik, scanned artefacts at the National […]

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