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(Polski) Obchody 10-lecia Lubelskiej Wyżyny IT

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Zapraszamy do wspólnego świętowania 10-lecia Lubelska Wyżyna IT już od poniedziałku 7 listopada!  10 dni obfitujących w ponad 70 bezpłatnych warsztatów, prelekcji i meetupów prowadzonych przez przedstawicieli lubelskich uczelni i firm IT;  „Otwarte drzwi” w firmach IT;  Spotkania face to face ze specjalistami z branży, podającymi przepis […]

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Project: 3D Digital Silk Road

The National Agency for Academic Exchange ( financed the Lublin University of Technology project under the program “International Academic Partnerships”: “3D Digital Silk Road” – digitization of the Silk Road monuments in Uzbekistan ( The project was implemented in the period from 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2022. The project’s budget was just over PLN 1 million. The […]

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Monograph: 3D Information Technology in the Protection and Popularization of the Cultural Heritage of the Silk Road

The authors: Marek Miłosz, Jerzy Montusiewicz and Jacek Kęsik have published a monograph at the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House, which summarizes the scientific experience gained during the implementation of the “3D Digital Silk Road” project financed by NAWA. The monograph presents the issues of threats to which cultural heritage objects are endangered (chapter […]

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(Polski) Red Hat Academy Talent Network

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Studenci, którzy ukończyli szkolenia w ramach Akademii Red Hat (43 osoby w ostatnim roku) mogą dołączyć do programu “Red Hat Academy Talent Network” edytując swój profil w Akademii Red Hat (z ew. nagrodami do 31 października 2022!). Nawet jeśli Państwo nie szukacie teraz pracy, udział w tym […]

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(Polski) Program stypendialny “Ambasador Billenium”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. Zapraszamy do udziału w ramach pierwszej edycji programu stypendialnego dla studentów Politechniki Lubelskiej “Ambasador Billenium”. Informacje na temat programu. Spotkanie informacyjne z panią Anitą Brzostowską, która w Billennium pełni rolę Internship Specialist odbęzie się 26.10.2022 o godzinie 20:00 w aplikacji MS Teams

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International Conference “3D Digital Silk Road Project” (3DSR’2022)

On 7-9.09.2022, a conference was held to summarize the three-year project “3D Digital Silk Road”, financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The conference was held in Uzbekistan at three universities – project partners: the National University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent), the State Pedagogical University in Chirchik and the Samarkand State University. The […]

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Exhibition “Uzbekiscanning: LUT’s Scientific Expeditions 2022”

On September 30, 2022, the photo exhibition “Uzbekiscanning: LUT’s Scientific Expeditions 2022” was opened. The exhibition will be available in the Gallery of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Lublin University of Technology (building of the Center for Innovation and Advanced Technologies, 3rd floor). Wystawa prezentuje zdjęcia wykonane w trakcie dwóch Wypraw Naukowych […]

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Visit of a researcher from the University of South-Eastern Norway to the Department of Computer Science

On 30th June 2022, the Motion Analysis group from the Department of Computer Science hosted Dr. Hamed Salmani from Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences of the University of South-Eastern Norway. During the visit, two research stands were presented: the motion acquisition and the eyetracking. 3D motion studies of AZS ergometer section athletes […]

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(Polski) Wizyta w laboratorium w Alicante

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. W dniach 05-07.07.2022 pracownicy Katedry Informatyki Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Informatyki Politechniki Lubelskiej uczestniczyli w trzydniowych badaniach naukowych w laboratorium Laboratori de Creacio Multimedia i Realitat Virtual na Uniwersytecie w Alicante w Hiszpanii. Od kilku już lat Grupa badawcza analizy ruchu w składzie: dr inż. Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska, dr […]

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8th Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia

On 6-11.06.2022, a team of scientists and computer scientists was in Uzbekistan on the 8th Scientific Expedition of the Lublin University of Technology to Central Asia. The expedition was carried out as a part of the “3D Digital Silk Road” project, financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) as part of the […]

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