
(English) Lectures from the lnfinite

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim On the 14th and 21th March at 14 o’clock there will be free of charge series of lectures for students. Both lectures is organized by Infinite – Lublin ICT company. The lectures will be presented by Dr. Boguslaw Oleksiejuk. Lectures will be held under the title: Practical […]


Cykl wykładów lidera w branży marketingu w wyszukiwarkach

W dniach 12 i 19 marca oraz 9 kwietnia na Politechnice Lubelskiej odbędzie się cykl bezpłatnych wykładów dla studentów i absolwentów lubelskich uczelni, podczas których będziesz miał okazję poznać i pogłębić wiedzę z zakresu pozycjonowania oraz tworzenia i optymalizacji stron www. Szkolenia prowadzone będą przez wybitnych specjalistów lidera rynku w branży marketingu w wyszukiwarkach firmę […]


(English) 3rd Scientific Symposium of Electrical- and IT-engineers

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Institute of Computer Science co-organizes the 3rd Scientific Symposium of Electrical- and IT-engineers which will be held on February 28th, 2013. This annual event is a great opportunity for students of all regional universities to demonstrate the results their research and scientific interests. Last year, the Symposium […]


Utworzenie nowego koła naukowego

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim On the 27th December 2012 a new student association, „.NET Group of the Lublin University of Technology” was officially registered within the Institute. The new group is concentrated on the Microsoft platform, especially software development for mobile devices with Windows 8 and Windows Phone and ASP.NET web […]


(English) Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2012)

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim The scientists from the Institute of Computer Science were members of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of ARSA Conference 2012, which took place 3 – 7 December 2012. The conference was co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science and universities from South- Eastern Europe, including Czech University […]


(English) Tempus ERAMIS activities

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Under the project Tempus ERAMIS: European-Russian-Central Asian Network of Master’s Degrees ”Informatics as a Second Competence” several activities were performed. Beyond the seminars, documents, reports and software were developed. They were created to regulate the operation of the partner universities network (ERAMIS): The system of quality assurance […]


(English) GUI usability and accessibility: First project meeting

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim The scientists from the Institute of Computer Science participated in the kick-off meeting of the project „GUI usability and accessibility: exchanging knowledge and experiences”. The kick-off meeting was held in 26th – 28th November 2012 in Grenoble, France. During the meeting the partners have the opportunity to […]


(English) International Seminars on Computer Science – Summary

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim International Seminars were organized under the project „Graduate of our time” (www.anmc.pollub.pl). The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of university teaching by preparing, realizing and developing new specializations of Master degree studies in Computer Science. The project involves also adapting curricula to the […]


(English) Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference (EIIC 2012)

Ten wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim The scientists from the Institute of Computer Science were members of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of EIIC2012 Conference 2012, which took place from 3 – 7 September 2012. The conference was co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science and such European universities as University of Economics […]


New Leonardo da Vinci partnership project

Our Institute has won the Leonardo Da Vinci partnership project: „GUI usability and accessibility: exchanging knowledge and experiences”. It is a two-year project strongly associated with the Eye Tracking. Our partners in the project are: University of Alicante from Spain, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble I) from France and Karo-Studio s.c. from Poland as an commercial […]
