Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład pt. „Zarządzanie relacyjną bazą danych w kontekście wydajnej komunikacji: architektury i narzędzia”, który poprowadzi pan Łukasz Wójcik, Solution Architect, Sii Poland. Wykład odbędzie się 17.05.2023 r. godz. 12:15-14:00 w auli E201 w budynku Wydziału Elektrotechechniki i Informatyki. Tematyka zajęć związana jest z zarządzaniem relacyjną bazą danych w obszarze dostosowywania narzędzi i […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Institute of Computer Science continues a long-term cooperation with the International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS). Dr. Eng Marek Milosz was a lecturer at Summer School “Innovation in Business – Environmental Challenges” organized in Celje. On 3-4 July 2012 he conducted a lecture: „System Dynamics […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim 7th Spring/Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software Engineering held in Kazan, Russia on May 30 and May 31, 2013. The topics of the colloquium include modeling of computer systems, software development, testing and verification, parallel and distributed systems, information search and data mining, image and speech processing, […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Dr. Marek Miłosz, Dr. Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik and Magdalena Borys from Lublin University of Technology (LUT), Lublin, Poland have conducted seminars in Karaganda State Technical University (KSTU), Karaganda, Kazakhstan from 22 to 26 April, 2013. The subjects of seminars were the following: Model Driving Engineering and WebML (10 […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim We invite you to participate in the series of several lectures organized by CompuGroup Medical Polska. Lectures will be held on Thursdays, 14.15-15.45, at the Institute of Computer Science, room S6. The plan of lectures: 16-May-13 – Michael Wasilewski – Continuous Integration Tools – Maven, Sonar, Jenkins, […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Enjoy a free series of lectures for students and graduates organized by Simple. The first lecture: „Enterprise Information Systems architecture and technology stack.” The lecture will be held on April 11th, 14.15-15.45, r. S6, Institute of Computer Science. The schedule: Model Domain Driven Design inside Ports&Adapters architecture […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim On the 14th and 21th March at 14 o’clock there will be free of charge series of lectures for students. Both lectures is organized by Infinite – Lublin ICT company. The lectures will be presented by Dr. Boguslaw Oleksiejuk. Lectures will be held under the title: Practical […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Institute of Computer Science co-organizes the 3rd Scientific Symposium of Electrical- and IT-engineers which will be held on February 28th, 2013. This annual event is a great opportunity for students of all regional universities to demonstrate the results their research and scientific interests. Last year, the Symposium […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim The scientists from the Institute of Computer Science were members of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of ARSA Conference 2012, which took place 3 – 7 December 2012. The conference was co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science and universities from South- Eastern Europe, including Czech University […]
WięcejTen wpis nie jest dostępny w języku polskim Under the project Tempus ERAMIS: European-Russian-Central Asian Network of Master’s Degrees ”Informatics as a Second Competence” several activities were performed. Beyond the seminars, documents, reports and software were developed. They were created to regulate the operation of the partner universities network (ERAMIS): The system of quality assurance […]